
Bundle up for a Wilder Winter Walk!

Thanks to member, Doug Markusic, we offer Wilder Creek images to members near and far. Doug is a professional photographer who shares his talents with Wilder Creek. Enjoy!

“Mythical Creature Quest” Comes to Wilder Creek/MDL Summer Reading Finale

Troubadour Shares a Tune at the Castle

Over 100 creature questers gathered at Wilder Creek Conservation Club on August 2 to polish off their Marshall District Library summer reading adventure. “Local” royalty, jesters, bards, troubadours, and wizards rallied at the castle and surrounding courtyards to entertain adventure seekers.

During planning, Shauna Swantek, Head of Programming and Community Engagement, noted, “We’re getting excited to pull together our magical plans for a “very” mini Renaissance Faire at Wilder Creek so very soon.”

The royal court provided fanciful crafts, medieval games, and music. Participants took shelter from a sudden downpour at the pavilion for the bard’s telling of a magical tale in which even “believing” adults could partake.

Angela Semifero, Marshall District Library Director, said, “We are so very happy that you’re (Wilder Creek) partnering with us again for our end-of-summer party! Thank you for having a beautiful castle for us to feature in our newsletter. 🙂 We are grateful.” “Princess,” Angela regaled the courtiers with her usual extravagant joy.

Wilder Creek Conservation Club’s purpose is to get kids, families, and communities outdoors to learn from and learn to conserve nature’s resources. Property rental is free-of-charge to youth-serving nonprofit organizations for a minimal administration fee.

For more information, please use Wilder Creek Conservation Club’s website’s “Contact Us” form. We’re always happy to help!

Derek Perry, Marshall City Manager, Speaker “Things You Want to Know”

Derek Perry, Marshall City Manager Photo Courtesy of Doug Markusic

Derek Perry, Marshall City Manager, presented facts openly and approachable about current and upcoming projects in which the City is engaged. Perry spoke to Wilder Creek Conservation Club members at their August 21 meeting, offering considerable detail on city endeavors.

The list was long and inclusive: parking and paving project updates, potential traffic routing and rerouting, tree planting, possible bicentennial Brooks Memorial Fountain restoration, housing issues, environmental issues, and many more.

Members enjoyed the Q&A session that followed and left the meeting expressing their appreciation for Mr. Perry’s visit.

“What’s Brewing” Aug 15, 2024

Wilder Creek Conservation Club hosted Choose Marshall’s monthly morning update, “What’s Brewing,” on August 15. Over 65 Choose Marshall members attended.

The hosting organization has 10 minutes to update members on its activities and progamming. Jim Dobbins highlighted the season’s camps, nonprofit collaborations, community engagement opportunities, and source-of-revenue calendar bookings. Each table featured photos illustrating these events. Wilder Creek hosted “What’s Brewing” last year in June.

Several members, Sharon Robinson, Jeff Robinson, Tim Cook, Pat Cook, Chuck Martin, Pam Martin, Marcia Jenks, Marijke Guerin, and Sandi Dobbins helped with set-up and hosting Choose Marshall guests.

After the meeting, Patty Williams, Choose Marshall’s Business Development Manager, gathered Choose Marshall members and Wilder Creek representatives for a ribbon cutting photo, welcoming Wilder Creek Conservation Club to the area chamber. This will be Wilder Creek’s second year of membership.

“Week in the Woods” Camp

The Advisor-Chronicle reported on July 6, 2024, “(Wilder Creek Conservation Club’s) wooded acreage, filled with ponds, hills, a creek, a nesting family of Bald Eagles, deer, beaver, birds of all kinds, snakes and frogs galore is just the thing to usher in a summer filled with adventure, exploration and an appreciation of the outdoors.”

Marshall teachers, Tim Rupp, Mary Douglass, Michelle Rupp, Molly Jain and youth counselors created a magical week of natural fun and learning for 70 campers. Tim Rupp said, “We keep things moving so there is never time to get bored.”

The leaders offer 2-one week day camp adventures.

“Grace Day, a 4th grader from Hughes School, Tanner Hill, a second grader from Walters, and TyLongyear, a 7th grader at MMS, all reported that catching frogs for the frog jumping contast was the highlight of the camp for them.”

Campers, counselors and teachers agreed “the water battle at the very end of the week was epic…Everyone was completely soaked and smiling by the end!”

“However, even the extravagant water fight was not the week’s favorite activity. There is nothing that can ccompare with building forts. Kids spent time daily, working in groups of 15-20, to plan and build elaborate forts in the forest. Without any outside tools or instructions, kids…constructed sturdy forts with imaginative features. Some boasted chandeliers, kitchens, skylights, fireplaces, welcome mats, etc.”

Wilder Creek Conservation Club functions as an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization. Grants, donations, and rental fees provide the operating budget. The members offer the facilities rent-free to youth-serving organizations, requesting a minimal housekeeping fee.

The purpose of Wilder Creek Conservation Club is to protect and conserve the land, wildlife, and natural resources contained within its boundaries of historical significance while seeking to provide a protected environment for the youth of our community to enjoy for educational and recreational purposes related to our air, land, and water resources.

For more information about scheduling a youth event at Wilder Creek, please use the “Contact” tab on the Home page.

Member Spring Picnic

Nearly 100 members, families and friends gathered on a beautiful May evening for a tasty meal, conversation, trail walks, and games. During the evening, the club members honored Bob Bursley, long-time member and treasurer. During many decades as a US Postal Service Mail Carrier, he found hours and hours to devote to Wilder Creek and the people who benefitted from its existence.  Hours given to troops and troops of Boy Scouts; hours given to property maintenance; hours given as treasurer.  One of the most profound contributions was your paying the utility bills when there was no money in the treasury.  Bob has always been dedicated to Wilder Creek Conservation Club’s existence and what it gives to so many kids and families:  The joy of nature.

Speaker/DNR Officer

Department of Natural Resources officer, Elliot Worel, updated members on DNR laws and practices at the April 17 meeting.

Officer Elliot Worel, retired Army officer and former Black Hawk helicopter pilot, spoke to the members about DNR issues and answered questions. Members asked about deer encroaching into the city and practices to control those populations. Living with and managing the coyote packs opened another discussion. Members residing on area lakes gathered information about water patrol activities. Officer Worel indicated that these patrols would increase as the summer months approach.

Coincidentally, Officer Worel and his family joined Wilder Creek Conservation Club prior to his invitation to speak. The officer grew up participating in outdoor activities with his father and hopes to share those experiences with his family at Wilder Creek.

Welcome and thank you, Officer Worel!

Wilder Creek Hosts “What’s Brewing”

Tables ready for “What’s Brewing” guests
Chamber members learn about Wilder Creek’s past and future.

Choose Marshall Members enjoy “What’s Brewing” monthly to network and keep up on local happenings.

Choose Marshall’s Patty Williams, MC for “What’s Brewing

Marshall’s Pastrami Joe’s served breakfast items, soon to be available.

Eagle Family at Wilder Creek/Fledglings Take Flight

Photo: Ray Closson; July 2023
Photo: Ray Closson; April 2023
Photo: Ray Closson; April 2023
Photo: Ray Closson; 06-19-23

Eagles enjoying Wilder Creek habitat…The eagle pair arrived in Spring 2022. The pair returned this year to build a nest. They produced two eaglets and fed them from area sources available at Wilder Creek and seemingly Lyon Lake. One member reported seeing a parent carrying a fairly large fish to the eaglets.

Little Known Fact:

Why do eagles put thorns in their nest?

Eleanor Roosevelt, Eagles' Nests, and Comfort Zones ...

As the baby eaglets grow, space gets smaller. In their reluctance to leave, Mother Eagle begins to remove the soft filler. The eaglets cry as thorns poke and prod them as they try to get comfortable in the nest. Mother Eagle continues to remove the soft filler until all that is left is a nest of thorns. Google Post: Nov 11, 2015

For more information about eagles: